
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
BULL BEHAVIOR! - Episode 1 with Ray Lopez and Ryan Striebel
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Bull Behavior is a new podcast powered By Corsair Coin.
In this first episode, Jeremy and 2 of his 3 Corsair Coin partners, Ray Lopez and Ryan Striebel, sit down to discuss all things Bitcoin. Our goal with Bull Behavior is to educate regular (but above average of course) people on the Bitcoin opportunity.
The Scallywag Crew talks about what Bitcoin is, why it's so important, and answer a few questions from our Instagram Live session during the recording, including Jeremy's rant against Senator Elizabeth Warren. You can find that IG LIVE here.
For a basic understanding of Bitcoin and what it is, check out this post.
For Bull Behavior gear, check out our shop.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
#27 - Garrett Winegar - High School Basketball Head Coach
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Garrett Winegar is the head coach of Fishers High School Basketball, and one of the youngest head coaches in the game. In this episode, Garrett sits down with Jeremy to discuss what it's like being so young and leading young men, the importance of preparedness, whether college athletes should be paid, and the challenges of being a new father. Garrett is a fraternity brother of Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Psi along with Jeremy.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, CEO of The Corsair Company and Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health. You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter @jeremymcgrew_
The Corsair Company is hiring hungry account managers - if you're a Scallywag who is bold and unafraid of work, please contact us.

Monday May 17, 2021
#26 - Matt Kelly - Author, Salesforce Account Executive
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Matt Kelly is published author and an account executive with Salesforce focused on large healthcare organizations. In this episode, Matt sits down with Jeremy to discuss his new book, The Magical Now, as well as where he thinks healthcare is going, the importance of keeping a balance between production and learning, and how he got started in sales.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, CEO of The Corsair Company and Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health. You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter @jeremymcgrew_
You can (please do!) purchase Matt's Book, The Magical Now here.

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
#25 - Brandon Bennett, Sniper, Educator, Husband
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Brandon Bennett is a certified sniper in the Army National Guard, ironman, former teacher, and all-around badass. In this episode, Brandon sits down with Jeremy and talks about his recent trip to Niger, Africa, lessons learned from grief, and the struggles of earning a spot in special forces. Brandon and Jeremy have known each other since preschool.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, CEO of The Corsair Company and Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health LLC.

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
#24 - Off the Dome Radio, Colin Slager, Tim Ahlersmeyer
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Colin Slager and Tim Ahlersmeyer are the hosts of Off the Dome Radio, one of Indianapolis' top podcasts. In this episode, Colin and Tim sit down with Jeremy to discuss what it was like leaving their 9-5 to work for themselves, what it's like getting fired from a job, how 75 Hard introduced a new level of discipline and intensity, and new recovery methods for your body...all over a bottle of whiskey.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health LLC and The Corsair Company. You can connect with him on instagram at www.instagram.com/jeremymcgrew_ or Twitter at www.twitter.com/jeremymcgrew_
Sorry for all the F bombs, Mom, I'm working on it.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
#23 - Keep Indy Indie, Addison Ray, Vito Pulverenti
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Addison Ray is the Founder of Keep Indy Indie, a local cultural powerhouse in Indianapolis. Vito Pulverenti is a Partner at Keep Indy Indie, and a talented videographer and entrepreneur. In this episode, Addison and Vito sit down with Jeremy to discuss online business, Alex Jones, and free-will vs. determinism.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health LLC and The Corsair Company. You can connect with him on Instagram at www.instagram.com/jeremymcgrew_ or Twitter at www.twitter.com/jeremymcgrew_

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
#22 - Ray Lopez, PKP Brother and Bitcoin Enthusiast
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Ray Lopez is a Fraternity brother of Pi Kappa Phi (Alpha Psi pledge class with Jeremy), and Bitcoin enthusiast. In this episode, Ray sits down with Jeremy and talks about the time Jeremy pooped where he shouldn't, pledge class memories, asking our professor to get high, and finally, why you NEED to be in bitcoin.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health LLC and The Corsair Company. You can connect with him on instagram at www.instagram.com/jeremymcgrew_ or twitter at www.twitter.com/jeremymcgrew_

Friday Nov 06, 2020
#21 - Roundtable 3 w/ Drew Butterworth, Alex Butterworth, Matt Schumacker
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
ROUNDTABLE: Jeremy sits down with 3 friends and beers to talk about whatever comes up - specifically the election of 2020
In this episode Jeremy sits down with the Butters Brothers (Drew and Alex Butterworth) with a guest appearance from Matt Schumacker. We discuss what it was like for Alex to be at Penn State during the Sandusky Scandal, what's going on with the election, how history knowledge gets us through tough times, and what in the world is coming up next.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health and Founder of The Corsair Company. You can connect with Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter at www.twitter.com/jeremymcgrew_ and www.instagram.com/jeremymcgrew_

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
#20 - Matt Schumacker, Real Estate Broker, Network Broadcaster
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Matt Schumacker is a local real estate broker and professional network broadcaster. In this episode, Matt sits down with Jeremy to discuss sports broadcasting pre-covid, tax secrets of the rich, and how he got into real estate.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, Founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health and The Corsair Company. You can connect with him on instagram at www.instagram.com/jeremymcgrew_ or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/jeremymcgrew_

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
19 - Roundtable 2: Roger Casilla, Drew Butterworth, and Earl Sims.
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
This episode features two returning guests (Roger and Drew) and a new guest, Earl Sims. Earl is the owner of Capture Fitness, a new gym on the canal in downtown Indianapolis. The three of these men are leaders of the local Canal Squad group, who meet every Tuesday evening for free workouts.
I love these guys and I love these Roundtable episodes. I hope you enjoy.
Just My Thoughts is hosted by Jeremy McGrew, founder of Blueprint Fitness and Health. Blueprint Fitness creates online platforms for local health and fitness industries to operate online. You can connect with him on Instagram at www.instagram.com/jeremymcgrew_ and on Twitter at www.twitter.com/jeremymcgrew_
Check out Jeremy's business at www.indyfitnessmag.com